Sunday, April 17, 2011

TBI Tee-Shirt

Art BY Marilyn  This is my newest Tee-shirt.  I am dealing with a (TBI) or Traumatic brain Injury and I am hoping with lots of time and hard work on my part and going awhile to the Brain Injury Group at Meriter Hospital in Madison, Wisconsin, I will recover.  This has been a non-so-fun-journey. Cross your fingers for me because I have been told with rest and the way I am doing therapy, I may come out of this or it may be a life time ordeal.  Hope that I come out of it because I just am so sad.  This was not my fault.

I have been humiliated in ways that are or should be outlawed sometimes by people I have known for years and are so cruel. They think they are cute.   I am still a vibrant artist-person who puts a lot of time and work into my art but it is my therapy.  I really don't know how people cope with this and I have to relate to my new-found friends at the group to find out once-a-month.  I feel sometimes like putting people in their places and then...I have to explain my situation and unless they have had someone in their family or a friend or understand even a little, it goes right over their head.    I hope my button and Tee-shirts will become a, "fad", and people will be solid and supportive behind us and know that the outside of our bodies is not the same as the inner -person screaming to be understood.  I have 2 varieties of this shirt.  Please view them and my button at  and don't forget I feed critters in my private sanctuary in my back yard, I love those little ones.  They are therapy themselves for me.  They accept me as I am unconditionally. 

The problem with a TBI is most doctors don't understand or care because it is a specialized field and many of the people at the group say doctors just say..."Oh, you'll be fine".  Thank the Lord for the Brian I injury Group.  Have a beautiful day.  Marilyn

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