Saturday, April 23, 2011

My Group

Art BY Marilyn  Today, 04/23/11, I was a bit late with feeding my critters.  I looked outside the back window and I was so touched with joy.  I had 5 little ones out there eating together.  A rabbit, a squirrel, a chipmunk, a duck and above them in a tree waiting it's turn was a bird.  I went outside and low-and-below, at mom's appearance, they think they own me...they came running.

9 squirrels which I had to feed by hand and then I fed all of them their favorite foods and left for work of my own.

Wild "things" but so stress free and comfortable with me.  Why can't the peoples of the world get along as well I thought.  You see me feeding a squirt.  Isn't it the sweetest little critter.  Marilyn

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