Saturday, January 1, 2011

Another picture of Happy Ducks in Madison, Wisconsin

Now lets see if I can do this right.  Isn't he a beauty.  He was just sitting right next to me.  I leaning and took this shot sooo close.  It is just a digital.  They just seem to pose for me.  It was sooo cold.  I have to be very patient and know we can associate if I stay calm. 

It is an honor to be welcome into their world.  I hope you all enjoy my candid shots of wild ducks.  I hope they always feed...but not too close so they are not encountered by a bad human being.

Thank you all for enjoying my blog and being my friends and my critter's friends.   Isn't it just sooo cool.  That is a double- pun.  It must have been 12 degrees  below zero when that shot was taken.  Marilyn

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