Sunday, September 26, 2010

Here's Brett... Favre

There's Brett Favre and me playing cards and you can too. He is n my web site at under the section playing cards.

Brett and crew won today and now you may wish to purchase a memorabilia of mine of him at and also visit, "Gammy's Gift Shop", in Kiln, MS whereas I have also his items there.  His cousin saw my work and liked it enough to buy a tee-shirt for Brett's Uncle and her mom has my work in her gift shop.  

When I figure out how this new posting works (they again made changes) I will add more.

My brother-in-law just past recently and this is hard work for me.  Grief is hell... Marilyn


Marilyn R. Meier-O'Brien said...

I finally got in...much frustration. I am not a tech.

Marilyn R. Meier-O'Brien said...

I have much to learn