Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Art By Marilyn

Please donate to help me feed the squirrels and ducks outside my home. Thank you!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Art By Marilyn Post

Hi everyone. I am again trying to learn how to blog. I have since worked really hard at getting my work noticed and I am pleased that it is getting the recognition. It is a journey but mostly a fun one. I am www.artbymarilyn.net then go to (news) and view me at work wwhich loops to www.artbymarilyn.etsy.com I have to work mostly after everyone else is sleeping because I need to paint but people have usually done their day.

It can be difficult for me because today I am againg going out to please everyone else on their schedule. Hopefully som more of my work will sell and I will get the recognition.

If any of you all wish to purchase, I'm sure, you can find something in my shop. So today view my shop you may find it fun and---there are pictures missing, I see but I am learning. Be patient and have fun.

Hae a beautiful day and I will be back. Marilyn